Jq Snippets With HTTPie and Akamai API calls
Couple of useful jq snippets merged with Akamai API calls.
Table of contents
- Pre-Requisits
- Snippets
- Use Case : Grabbing all Adaptive Media delivery Hostnames.
- Use Case : Grabbing all Edge Hostnames that are on IPv4 only map
- Use Case : Grabbing all Edge Hostnames that contains a keyword
- Use Case : Grabbing all CPcodes in a property
- Use Case : Grabbing all Origin in a property
- Use Case : Grab the last ECCU purge and check its status
Within this post , I'll be documenting a couple of useful snippets to use with various Akamai API calls which will allow you to grab information about your configuration and settings quite quickly.
I assume that your environment is ready already , if not follow the steps :
Installing HTTPie and httpie-edgegrid plugin , and Creating your API credentials in Control Center - A good guide on how to do that here.
Download and install Jq from here.
Once set , you should be able to run something as the following :
http --auth-type=edgegrid -a aka: :/diagnostic-tools/v2/ghost-locations/available | jq '.locations[0:3]'
which will give you the first 3 locations - from 0(inclusive) to 3(exclusive) :
"id": "adelaide-sa-australia",
"value": "Adelaide, SA, Australia"
"id": "amsterdam-netherlands",
"value": "Amsterdam, Netherlands"
"id": "ashburn-va-unitedstates",
"value": "Ashburn, VA, United States"
Before going down this section , I would suggest if you're new to jq to go over the tutorial and the manual.
Use Case : Grabbing all Adaptive Media delivery Hostnames.
First , Calling the Edge Hostnames End Point and grabbing only the first 2 results with the command :
http --auth-type edgegrid -a aka: ":/hapi/v1/edge-hostnames" | jq -r '.edgeHostnames[0:2]'
The Output should look something like :
"chinaCdn": {
"isChinaCdn": false
"comments": "Created by Property-Manager/PAPI on Wed Apr 10 11:01:42 UTC 2019",
"dnsZone": "akamaized.net",
"edgeHostnameId": 123456,
"ipVersionBehavior": "IPV6_IPV4_DUALSTACK",
"map": "a;dscv.akamai.net",
"productId": "AMD",
"recordName": "liveamd-preprod",
"securityType": "STANDARD-TLS",
"serialNumber": 1234,
"ttl": 21600,
"useDefaultMap": true,
"useDefaultTtl": true
"chinaCdn": {
"isChinaCdn": false
"comments": "Created by Property-Manager/PAPI on Tue Apr 23 08:11:43 UTC 2019",
"dnsZone": "akamaized.net",
"edgeHostnameId": 123457,
"ipVersionBehavior": "IPV6_IPV4_DUALSTACK",
"map": "a;dscv.akamai.net",
"productId": "AMD",
"recordName": "liveamd-prod",
"securityType": "STANDARD-TLS",
"serialNumber": 2345,
"ttl": 21600,
"useDefaultMap": true,
"useDefaultTtl": true
to filter on a specific field , we can call the select method select(.productId=="AMD")
and with the complete jq command it should look something like :
http --auth-type edgegrid -a aka: ":/hapi/v1/edge-hostnames" | jq '.edgeHostnames[] | select(.productId=="AMD") | {name:.recordName , product:.productId}'
The last pipe that I invoke | {name:.recordName , product:.productId}
, is to grab only the 2 fields that are interesting to me.
The Output should look something like :
"name": "liveamd-preprod",
"product": "AMD"
"name": "liveamd-prod",
"product": "AMD"
Use Case : Grabbing all Edge Hostnames that are on IPv4 only map
Adapting this to grab the hostnames that are still on IPv4 : Command:
http --auth-type edgegrid -a aka: ":/hapi/v1/edge-hostnames" | jq '.edgeHostnames[] | select(.productId=="AMD" and .ipVersionBehavior=="IPV4") | {name:.recordName , product:.productId , ipversion:.ipVersionBehavior}'
Sample Output :
"name": "vodpreprod.test.tv",
"product": "AMD",
"ipversion": "IPV4"
"name": "livepreprod.test.tv",
"product": "AMD",
"ipversion": "IPV4"
Use Case : Grabbing all Edge Hostnames that contains a keyword
http --auth-type edgegrid -a aka: ":/hapi/v1/edge-hostnames" | jq '.edgeHostnames[] | select(.recordName | contains ("vod") ) | {name:.recordName,product:.productId} '
Sample Output:
"name": "vodpreprod.test.tv",
"product": "AMD"
"name": "vodprod.test.tv",
"product": "AMD"
Use Case : Grabbing all CPcodes in a property
to do this , we would need the Property Rule tree , Assuming that we only know the hostname - We grab the details for the property by doing the following API call :
echo '{"hostname": "vodprod.test.tv"}' | http --auth-type edgegrid -a aka: POST ":/papi/v1/search/find-by-value"
This will return the latest versions on both production and staging - Sample Output :
"versions": {
"items": [
"accountId": "act_F-AC-XXXXXX",
"assetId": "aid_111111",
"contractId": "ctr_XXX",
"edgeHostname": "vodprod.test.tv.akamaized.net",
"groupId": "grp_123456",
"hostname": "vodprod.test.tv",
"note": "-- new version to do extra awesome stuff --",
"productionStatus": "INACTIVE",
"propertyId": "prp_123456",
"propertyName": "vod-prod-test",
"propertyVersion": 47,
"stagingStatus": "ACTIVE",
"updatedByUser": "ralzreib",
"updatedDate": "2022-02-17T09:12:02Z"
"accountId": "act_F-AC-XXXXXX",
"assetId": "aid_111111",
"contractId": "ctr_XXX",
"edgeHostname": "vodprod.test.tv.akamaized.net",
"groupId": "grp_123456",
"hostname": "vodprod.test.tv",
"note": "--New version to do extra awesome stuff --",
"productionStatus": "ACTIVE",
"propertyId": "prp_123456",
"propertyName": "vod-prod-test",
"propertyVersion": 42,
"stagingStatus": "DEACTIVATED",
"updatedByUser": "ralzreib",
"updatedDate": "2022-02-05T02:11:45Z"
Once we have the details for the property - we can grab the rule tree :
http --auth-type edgegrid -a aka: GET ":/papi/v1/properties/prp_123456/versions/47/rules" --follow
Note : don't forget your --follow
tag to follow the redirect.
We're half way there ^^
The rule tree will contain all the behavior in a configuration - to grab the ones that set the cpcode - we need to filter on the behaviors called cpCode , this can be achived by searching recursively for all the behaviors within a rule tree , selecting the one that have the name CpCode and then filtering the output to only show the name and the cpcode number :
cat prp_ruletree.json | jq '..|objects|.behaviors[]? | select (.name == "cpCode") | { cpcode :.options.value.id, name : .options.value.name }'
Output :
"cpcode": 123456,
"name": "live-prod"
"cpcode": 123457,
"name": "live-preprod"
Or you want to skip redirecting the rule tree into a file - you can do the following :
http --auth-type edgegrid -a aka: GET ":/papi/v1/properties/prp_123456/versions/47/rules" --follow | jq '..|objects|.behaviors[]? | select (.name == "cpCode") | { cpcode :.options.value.id, name : .options.value.name }'
Use Case : Grabbing all Origin in a property
With a little tweaking , we can grab the origin applied to a property :
http --auth-type edgegrid -a aka: GET ":/papi/v1/properties/prp_123456/versions/47/rules" --follow | jq '..|objects|.behaviors[]? | select (.name == "origin") | {cachekey:.options.cacheKeyHostname,hostname:.options.hostname , forwardHostHeader:.options.forwardHostHeader}'
"cachekey": "ORIGIN_HOSTNAME",
"hostname": "mylovelyorigin1.akadns.net",
"forwardHostHeader": "ORIGIN_HOSTNAME"
"cachekey": "ORIGIN_HOSTNAME",
"hostname": "mylovelyorigin2.akadns.net",
"forwardHostHeader": "REQUEST_HOST_HEADER"
Use Case : Grab the last ECCU purge and check its status
This would be done on 2 stages - first getting the ID of the last purge submitted :
http --auth-type edgegrid -a aka: GET :"/eccu-api/v1/requests" | jq '.requests | max_by(.requestDate) | .requestId'
The command above will grab all the ECCU requests submitted - and return the most recent purge - the last section instructs it to only show the ID.
Once we have the ID , we can redirect that to a variable - and use it to do an API call to get the status of this ECCU Purge ID.
last=$(http --auth-type edgegrid -a aka: GET :"/eccu-api/v1/requests" | jq '.requests | max_by(.requestDate) | .requestId') ; http --auth-type edgegrid -a aka: GET :"/eccu-api/v1/requests/${last}" | jq '.status'
Output :
You have now reached the end of this post , hopefully this was useful and can speed up your checks on Properties and configuration using API calls and jq.